One important thing that before you start investing is to know what type of investor you are, and as soon as you register with a broker, it asks a series of questions to outline an investor profile, such a profile is important so that certain investors are displayed types of investments, because in the investment world there are modalities that fit within profiles, due to the type of investor that is entering this universe, there are more conservative people, other medians and more adventurous people who close their eyes and go with everything in search of success, these profile categories are: Conservative, Bold and Aggressive. These classes are similar to the levels of hierarchies presented in Anime Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac) ranging from Bronze, Silver and Gold, roughly they would be determined in this way: Bronze (Conservative), Silver (Bold) and Gold (Aggressive).
Now after discovering the investor profile comes the type of investor, the type of investor is influenced by the need for time, unlike 20 or 30 years ago, nowadays the investor is in a hurry to make money, due to the fact that I work in the CLT is no longer advantageous when in other countries, I myself go through this in having a salary floor X and receiving Y for example: the average Brazilian salary is approximately R $ 1,000, because the CLT is discounted INSS, FGTS, VT, VA or VR and Auxilio Saúde e Odontológico and generally the salary drops to R $ 700 and because of that the investor enters the market already with one foot on the ball and the other on the knee and the thirst for getting rich soon and in the world of investments we have three types of investor, DAYTRADE / SWING TRADE / POSITION TRADE, and each type of investor reaps results in terms of the time factor, and the time factor can be positive or negative. In particular I will use once again Knights of the Zodiac where we have the following situation time, in the battle of the 12 houses the Bronze Knights had the mission to cross the 12 houses to save the Goddess Athena, their opponents are the feared Golden Knights, now let's take the following situation, reach the top of the 12 houses and save the Goddess Athena, her opponents are powerful and the Bronze Knights are new and inexperienced and even so they did not surrender to the challenges and managed to reach the top.
Where does this analogy fit ?, this analogy fits for the fact that a person who arrives with blood in their eyes going straight to Daytrade for having seen videos on youtube or having seen testimonials on blogs and forums and often close people reaping fruits of very quickly and this ends up instigating many people to enter the world of investments with ferocity without any preparation and in many cases end up going crazy, when the Bronze Knights arrive at the first house and are stopped by the first gold knight they soon realize that if they do not reach the seventh sense they can die in the first match, that is, facing investments without preparation is certainly a defeat, so it is not bad to start wandering and then go with everything in the fight. However, when the Knights of Bronze understand what the essence means and awaken the seventh sense and maintain the rhythm of consciousness until they reach the top of the 12 houses, in the world of investments it is the same thing, whoever operates DayTrade if he is not prepared ends up being beaten and losing and often unable to get up, while the Traider who is prepared can perform miracles, just as a bronze knight surpasses a gold knight.
A Traider can seek preparation and knowledge through courses and or training, on the internet there are many people who are willing to carry out this type of training and preparation and obviously it is not free, but if invested and if you get results it is a valid value for be invested. In the investment world the time factor is the enemy to be overcome and this enemy does not forgive those who do not respect it. Preparation is important due to the availability time to be able to invest and each type of trader has their own time to act:
Position Months or Years A few hours a week
Swing Days or Weeks One or two hours a day
Day Minutes or Hours 7 hours a day
For this reason that different from the USA, for example, that anyone can enter the stock market and using any trade strategy, in Brazil, through psychological security measures, brokers draw the profile of the investor and recommend the ideal type of investment, for example, if after the questionnaire your profile is conservative, it is because the broker realized that you are not yet ready for variable income and recommends fixed income securities such as CDBs, Treasury Direct and others, this way the investor can set up your cash and fund long-term booking, and this period is to prepare, just like a Bronze Horseman who learns and disciplines himself over time, but we can retake the test to level up from Conservative to Bold and from Bold to Aggressive, when we reach aggressive status, we are ready to invest and draw up plans that revert profits and good profits.
So when you are embarking on the investment wave, be patient and seek learning and knowledge, on YouTube you have good channels that teach on the subject, so be patient and have time to be able to enter with everything and be prepared to climb the 12 houses of success.
By: André Marques
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