Mission: Accumulate money. Objective: To get rich. Reward: Don't run out of money. Breafing: Our enemy is the famous LIFE. LIFE is a criminal organization whose main objective is to put people on their knees and force them to give up their dreams and life goals. The Criminal Organization LIFE has been seen in several places in all countries of the world and there are few people who managed to beat this enemy. These brave soldiers sacrificed many things in order to win their lives. Make no mistake this enemy is cruel and does not forgive, everyone who makes wrong choices he sinks for real, but this powerful enemy has powerful allies, and to defeat this enemy you must defeat your allies first, the Life Organization allies are also powerful and very cunning they work in sync with each other to the point of becoming unbeatable, today thanks to the corona The Life Organization is gaining more and more strength. Life Organization: 1 - Discouragement: - This is one of life...